Story of the Day: Horror 11 / by Adam Dugas

So that’s the way it was, Jen thought. Just going to have to get rid of Vince myself.

Her brothers had denied her request to deal with this man who had violated her, saying that it was not for them to decide what happened to him. He’ll probably live in guilt for the rest of his life, said Jet, and the look in his eyes told her that he, also, had brutally raped a woman somewhere along the way. As for Hugo, he was just useless unless Jet told him what to do, so she didn’t try him again. She thought about approaching Garret, their relationship had been good, despite a bitter ending, and he might have the balls to help her out, but she didn’t trust him enough. She was the only one she trusted enough.

She tried planning, but it gave her cold feet, there were too many things that could go wrong and make her feel out of control. No, it would have to be a chaotic approach, one she could turn back from if need be, but would offer the element of surprise for both of them, helping her execute her execution. On a dark November night, she camped out behind his house laden with a gun, two hunting knives and an electric shocker. He came home later than she expected, but when she heard the noise, the adrenalin kicked in and her whole body started getting ready to move. She had an urgent need to shit, and unloaded her bowels in his bushes, which seemed apt. Then she began her approach to the house, staying low to the ground and in the shadows.

Eventually, she peeked in and could see him in the living room, and what she saw stopped her heart. Vince stood in front of a mirror and peeled his face off, literally peeled off his face, to reveal a hairy cross between a lizard and an ape. She went from being amped up to kill Vince to being terrified of whatever this thing was. Then she remembered that it was this thing that had raped her, beating her and laughing as it forced its body into hers, treating her like a joke, a toy. That’s when the rage surged again and she decided that whatever this was, she would kill it.

Jen realized that she would still have an element of surprise on this thing. Jen picked the lock exactly like Jet taught her, he was good for some things, and it worked just like he said it would. She opened the door as carefully as possible, but it still creaked loudly and she knew that the thing must have heard it, there wasn’t a second to lose. She stood upright and marched into the room where it was moving to her, having discarded some of the chest area of the Vince skin.

How had she been deceived by such a thing? Or had it happened after - was this thing using Vince’s dead body as a disguise? It made no sense, she didn’t have time to think. The first shot went into his chest, the second missed his body and the third hit the belly. When it faltered, Jen got one in its head, which was messy but effective. It fell to the floor and she pulled out the knives. She had intended to cut off Vince’s dick as a trophy and punishment, making sure he was still alive to see what she was doing, and she decided to do it anyway. Curious. Too curious.

She pulled the pants open, but the creature wasn’t dead yet and managed to grab something heavy to smack her head with. Jen went down, and as she scrambled back up it crushed her head with this heavy thing. She woke up from her blackout to find the creature eating her hand, bleeding profusely and about to lose consciousness itself. They were both goners, she realized, but at least she had gotten the job done. She could die with some peace knowing that she had eradicated Vince or the creature posing as Vince or the creature that had actually been Vince all along. She wished she could know the answers, but it would have to be enough. It would have to be enough.

October 15, 2022